Mark Dytham

Mark Dytham, co-founder of Tokyo-based Klein Dytham Architecture and Dezeen Awards 2019 judge

Tokyo-based Mark Dytham is co-founder of multidisciplinary architecture studio Klein Dytham Architecture.

Royal College of Art graduate Mark Dytham moved to Tokyo in 1989 to join architecture studio Toyo Ito. He formed Klein Dytham with partner Astrid Klein two years later. The award-winning studio has created architecture, events, furniture, installation and interior projects including Open House in Bangkok, Ginza Place, and T-Site Tsutaya bookstore.

In 2013, Klein and Dytham launched Pecha Kucha, an event for young designers in Tokyo to meet and share work. The programme has now expanded to over 1000 cities worldwide, creating an international network for designers.

Dytham has spoken at multiple international design events and teaches at universities in Japan and worldwide.

In 2000 Dytham received an MBE for his services to British design in Japan.

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