Dezeen Magazine

Ventura Lambrate 2012 call for entries

Registration opens to exhibit at Ventura Lambrate 2013

News: Dutch company Organisation in Design has issued a call for entries to designers and brands to show at Ventura Lambrate 2013 during Salone de Mobile in Milan next April.

Ventura Lambrate 2012 call for entries

Previous exhibitors include designers Jaime Hayon (work pictured above) and Moritz Waldemeyer, among a carefully curated selection of brands and designers.

Ventura Lambrate 2012 call for entries

Above: project by Zuzunaga

The Ventura Lambrate design district in the north east of Milan will be open from 9 to 14 April 2013.

Ventura Lambrate 2012 call for entries

Above: project by Nina & Svenja

Register to exhibit at and send completed applications to Find out more about Ventura Projects here.

Ventura Lambrate 2012 call for entries

Above: project by Universita di Bolzano

Dezeen are media partners for Ventura Lambrate 2013 - see all our stories from last year's event here and Ventura Lambrate 2011 here.

Ventura Lambrate 2012 call for entries

Above: lamp by Haags Werk

Here is some further information from the organisers:

Ventura Lambrate 2013 call for entries

Ventura Lambrate 2013, the only completely curated design district of Fuorisalone, returns for its fourth successive year. Hereby Organisation in Design invites you to apply now for the first selection round; deadline for this is January 5th 2013.

We are looking forward to reconnect with our previous participants, and to start up collaborations with new exhibitors. For this edition we are especially interested in occasional collectives by designers, curated presentations, and commercial brands with exceptionally creative projects.

Ventura Lambrate also welcomes renowned and established designers, as well as emerging young designers, design labels, cultural institutions and galleries and other interesting initiatives to apply for Ventura Lambrate 2013.

Ventura Lambrate 2012 call for entries

Above: chairs by Bernotat&Co

Designers about Ventura Lambrate

''I would like to express my happiness of being here at Ventura Lambrate 2012, because I love this area. In 2011 I came for the first time and I immediately fell in love with this area. It felt really well, I honestly think I belong much more in this type of area than on the fair, especially because it is a place where there is much more space for research and conversation.'' - Jaime Hayon

''For us it was our very first fair and collection, so we didn’t know what to expect at all. To be concrete, taking part in Ventura Lambrate 2012 brought us features in several magazines, blogs and on TV, and 2 large retailers that would like to sell our products. The overall experience of taking part in Ventura Lambrate has been wonderful and encouraging.'' - Fred & Juul

''I think there’s a shift going on in Milan for the design week, the classic area of the cool and new used to be Zona Tortona but all the more edgy, interesting and young design has moved over here to Lambrate.” […] “It’s a beautiful area; it got amazing architecture with really beautiful spaces. Now all the cool designers are here, so it’s a very good spot to be!''- Moritz Waldemeyer.

Ventura Lambrate 2012 call for entries

Above: installation by Analogia

From Tuesday April 9th to Sunday April 14th 2013, Ventura Lambrate will feature the most talented outings of the international design world, through an organic exhibition circuit, the public composed of press, professionals and design enthusiasts are challenged to look at design from a different perspective.

Read more about the Ventura Projects here.

Ventura Lambrate 2012 call for entries

Above: project by In Residence Design

Ventura Lambrate 2013 media partners

We announce the first media partners for Ventura Lambrate 2013; Dezeen and DAMn Magazine.

"I really enjoyed Ventura Lambrate this year (2012). The whole area was well-curated and vibrant. It's definitely the most interesting design district in Milan." - Marcus Fairs, editor-in-chief at Dezeen

''You don’t have to be Hannibal Lecter to appreciate that a gut feeling goes well with a trained eye. And for Margo Konings and Margriet Vollenberg of the self-explanatory Organisation in Design, this mix of intuition and experience is a way of making sure that Ventura Lambrate – the project they launched in Milan during the FuoriSalone in 2010 – stays on course.''- DAMn Magazine

Ventura Lambrate 2012 call for entries

Ventura partnership

Organisation in Design invites companies to collaborate with Ventura Lambrate 2013 on special projects or to become a sponsor to the event. In exchange for your support Organisation in Design offers several benefits to you.

Ventura Lambrate 2012 call for entries

Switching Facebook page

Please be aware that we have changed our Facebook page. To keep following Ventura Lambrate and the Ventura Projects please ‘like’ us at Follow us on Twitter as well, through

Ventura Projects is founded and produced by Organisation in Design. Ventura Lambrate is a registered trademark.