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Ventura Lambrate exhibition space winners

Milan 2010: Congratulations to Copy Nature/Nature of Copies who won our competition for a free exhibition space in the Ventura Lambrate district of Milan.

Top: Fish Stool by Tristan Cochrane
Above: Copy Tools by Max Lipsey

A group of 11 Netherlands-based designers, led by American Max Lipsey, worked with Eindhoven metal foundry Beeldenstorms to produce work exploring reproduction and the casting process.

Above: Copy Copy Nature by Sayaka Yamamoto

Pieces on show will include aluminium furniture cast from fish by Tristan Cochrane (top image), hand-carved tool handles cast in aluminium by Lipsey and plastic fruits that have been spliced together and cast in bronze by Sayaka Yamamoto (above).

Above: Stained by Raw Colour

The competition was organised by Dezeen and Organisation in Design. The exhibition will be on show 14-18 April at Via Ventura 6, Milan.

See all our stories about Milan 2010 in our special category.

Above: Polder Table by Seton Beggs

More information on the project website.
More details about the exhibition space and competition here.
Download a map and guide to the Ventura Lambrate design district here.

The following information is from the designers:


Our proposal for the Ventura Lambrate space is to exhibit the results of a group metal casting project entitled, Copy Nature. For the recently concluded project, initiator Max Lipsey invited 11 Netherlands based, international designers into a traditional foundry to experiment with the processes of metal casting.

During the workshop, an interesting dialogue arose between the designers and the craftsmen guiding the process. Experiments, both successful and failed, surprised both parties.

By example, Julien Carretero developed a technique for casting aluminum into textile molds, Tristan Cochrane, found a way to build objects out of fish and Raw Color explored moldless casting of molten metals.

The results are equally interesting as objects as for how they were made.Actual hands-on work was necessary to engage with the casting techniques, therefore we kept the slightly messy, materials based approach in our exhibition design and imagery.

The dominant colors in the exhibition plan are the three important materials to the casting process: red oil sand, plaster, and wax. We believe introducing materials straight from the Eindhoven foundry will lend authenticity to the rough and industrial vision for the location.

This honesty to the process is something we would like to show (and see more of) in Milan. Following two local dry runs, the exhibition design is now well developed and ready to adapt to the Ventura Lambrate space.


The Beeldenstorm

Kunstenaarswerkplaats Beeldenstorm is a foundry where bronze and other metals can be cast. The space is especially dedicated to artists and designers to provide a place for exploration and experimentation, but also a workshop fully capable of final production, casting, and finishing. Beeldenstorm is located on the TU/e campus in Eindhoven. For more info,

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