Dezeen Magazine

Ideas wanted for a more cycle-friendly London

Dezeen good cause: the Cycle to Cannes charity and London Cycling Campaign have teamed up to ask architects, planners and designers to submit ideas for improving public space in London through a greater emphasis on cycling.


Above and top: before and after images by David Morley Architects of how Portland Place could be given back to people, if parked cars were to be removed.

London Freewheel - send in your ideas for improving streets

The aim is to collect ideas that people are currently working on as well as to encourage them to come up with new solutions as to how specific areas can be improved by design, landscaping and planning.

The concepts would initially be displayed in the Transport for London hospitality suite on The Mall at the London Freewheel bike ride on September 21st when it is hoped to explain them to Mayor Johnson and other decision makers and opinion formers. The display will then move to the New London Architecture centre where it will form the focus of a continuing debate on improving the quality of London's streets.

The success of  projects such as the Kensington High Street improvements and the proposed shared space in Exhibition Road provide examples of how spaces can be designed so that users  respect each other. The quality of our streets today is destroyed by the total dominance of motor vehicles - a shift towards walking and cycling will create a more amenable city. What will a cycling, walking and less car-dependent London  look like?

We are asking people to supply a  foamex-mounted A3 board ideally with a drawing or computer generated image, where necessary a 'before' image, and 200 word max description of the project. It should also be send as a PDF. The boards will form a small exhibition while the digital versions can be circulated to the press and to websites.

Ideas should be sent before September 18 to: Cycle to Cannes c/o Wordsearch  85 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1R 5AR. PDFs can be emailed to: